April 12•13 Kindergarten and Primary School Admissions Process
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Lifelong Learning Program

As the NÛN Foundation for Education and Culture, we have launched the "Lifelong Learning Program" to promote our educational philosophy and encourage a lifelong learning perspective to the entire school community. 

We organize programs that will develop and inspire NÛN Family, with platforms for professional development, travel & culture, employee clubs, communion and business culture meetings. Distinguished names from various fields increase the motivation of our academic and administrative staff outside the routines of working life with their presentations and conversations. Sometimes, we organize a visit to a historical place, sometimes discuss a book, and sometimes, a handicraft work to broaden the perspectives and inspire the personal growth of the participants. 

These platforms unite our academic and administrative staff, and they gain experience in meeting and producing on a common ground. Events in a wide range, from dictation training to cross-stitching, from making pickles to reading trip notes for Iran, create an area where employees can meet outside work and do their hobbies.